Swindon: It’s not all just roundabouts

It seems at the moment, that time is flying by quicker than ever. The year comes and goes as quick as the months and days! This year’s summer has been no different. This creation is a little different as it wasn’t inspired by travel or lack of, like, the Belfast creation, but this time was,…

Belfast via Birmingham: A Bloody Travel Disaster

It’s been a while since the last time the paints came out from their storage box. This is due to being busy and having packed weekends taken up with various things – and time flying by quicker than you can blink your eyes. However, here we are with a partly free weekend, well, a free…

Buckingham Palace

This creation has a different inspiration from the other creations published on this site. On Thursday 8th September 2022, Buckingham Palace shared the news that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II had died peacefully at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. TV programming was interrupted the share the news, as was radio. It was a moment that the…